Friday 9 September 2011

The epic story

Looking at epic destinies in D&D 4e I saw something which jarred with me somewhat: The non-ending.

Most stories don't finish the story of their character once a book has ended or movie finished. Epic destinies are similar in that they end the immediate story and effectively retire the story.

Rarely does a story look at what happens after the ending unless there's a sequel which follows on. Happy ever after is rarely true, so why is it the case for Epic Destinies?

There is a large hole as to what happens once an epic destiny has been achieved but the story doesn't, some epic destinies explicitly don't end but start a new story. We don't have a facility to play out those kinds of adventure yet they must be possible.

So perhaps d&d has space for adventure to continue forever? Not to the extent of 3e and its ever expanding power levels but perhaps through a system similar to how e6 is handled where benefits are accumulated but you never go beyond a certain level. e30 perhaps.

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Posting from app

Turns out there is an app so I can post from here quite easily. Not sure what I'll out on one and not the other but at least this one has an easier name than

No idea

Already have WordPress and barely use that and this site doesn't wor.k to wi well from my phone so no idea what I'lldo